The Key to a Bright, Wide-Eyed Look

Your eyelids can be one of the first signs of aging. As you age, your skin loses elasticity, causing it to droop. This sagging skin can not only make you look older but may also impair your vision. Upper eyelid surgery in Boise can be used to address these concerns, restoring your youthful appearance and vision. 

beautiful woman with freckles and blue eyes

What Is Upper Eyelid Surgery?

Upper eyelid surgery is a procedure that targets signs of aging in the upper eyelids. As you age, your eyelids begin to stretch, the muscles beneath them weaken and the underlying bones change. Coupled with reduced skin elasticity, this causes droopy upper eyelids.

During upper eyelid surgery, Dr. Vargason removes skin, muscle, and fat that is causing sagging to achieve a more lifted appearance.

Upper Blepharoplasty Before and Afters

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Why Choose Dr. Vargason?

Dr. Caroline Vargason is the ultimate upper eyelid expert. She is a board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon who specializes in treating the eyelids. Dr. Vargason has a keen artistic eye to evaluate your eyelids and create a natural look that restores the brightness around your eyes. 

Dr. Vargason attended UCLA for both graduate and medical school. She then completed her residency in ophthalmology at The Vanderbilt Eye Institute and was hand-picked for a fellowship at the prestigious Cincinnati Eye Institute.

Her professional training and experience have given her a deep understanding of the eyelids, including how they can change with age and heal from surgery. This understanding helps ensure you receive the best possible results. 

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“Dr. Vargason is probably one of the best doctors I’ve ever had. She’s articulate, caring, and detail-oriented. I can see better, and I’m told by those who know me how my features are beautifully highlighted after Dr. Vargason’s surgery. I highly recommend her care as your surgeon.”

Mary P.

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What Can Upper Eyelid Surgery Address?

  • Reduce heavy or puffy upper eyelids 
  • Improve hooding on the upper eyelids
  • Lift and firm the skin around the eyes 
  • Improve vision impacted by sagging skin 
  • Restore alertness and brightness to the eyes

Can I Have More Than One Eyelid Problem?

Dr. Vargason more than one eyelid problem video

Who is a Candidate for Upper Eyelid Surgery?

If you have sagging upper eyelid skin, puffy upper eyelids, or find your vision impaired by your eyelids, you may be a candidate for the procedure. During your consultation for upper blepharoplasty in Boise, Dr. Vargason will review your medical history, discuss your areas of concern, and decide if you are a candidate for the procedure.

She will then discuss her technique for surgery, including the specific areas she hopes to improve, as well as the recovery process, and your final results.

Is the Procedure Safe?

There are some safety concerns with upper eyelid surgery, which Dr. Vargason will review with you. Bleeding around the eye is a rare side effect of the procedure that can cause vision loss. This rarely occurs, and Dr. Vargason has never had a patient lose vision from this type of bleeding. 

If you are concerned about safety during the procedure, you can rest assured that you will be in good hands when working with Dr. Vargason. There is some risk with any surgical procedure, but Dr. Vargason takes every possible precaution to reduce this as much as possible. 

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Your Upper Eyelid Procedure

Before the procedure can begin, local or general anesthesia will be used to ensure you remain comfortable for the duration of the surgery. The procedure will last roughly one hour and is performed on an outpatient basis. 

Dr. Vargason will make an incision in the upper eyelid's natural crease and begin to trim the excess fat and skin. When performing eyelid surgery, she customizes her technique to match each patient's unique anatomy and makes many small, meticulous decisions during the procedure to customize each patient’s results. Your incision will be concealed in the upper eyelid fold, which ensures any potential scarring is well hidden.

Nava Face & Eye 

Dr. Vargason opened her practice, Nava Face & Eye, to deliver patient-focused Oculoplastic Surgery care to her community. Much of her practice is dedicated to the eyes, including the eyelids, tear drainage system, and eye sockets. 

Dr. Vargason believes that the eyes are your most important facial feature and deserve the attention of a highly skilled oculofacial plastic specialist. Dr. Vargason established core values for her practice: excellence, cooperation, growth, integrity, inclusion, and sustainability. These values are the cornerstone of Nava Face & Eye’s commitment to patient-focused care. 

Your Recovery After Surgery

After upper eyelid surgery in Boise, you should plan to take 1-2 weeks off from work. You can return to work after one week but may still be bruised for another week. For the first few days after surgery, you should rest and use ice packs to reduce swelling. After day three, you can return to light activities.

Dr. Vargason will provide you with antibiotic ointment and will have you return to the office after a week to have your stitches removed and check in on your healing process. Throughout your recovery, Dr. Vargason will continue to check in with you and will be available to answer any questions you may have.

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Upper Eyelid Surgery FAQs

Can upper eyelid surgery be combined with any other procedures?

How long does the upper eyelid surgery take?

How long will my results last?

I had upper eyelid surgery years ago but am unhappy with the results. Can Dr. Vargason help me?

Can upper eyelid surgery be combined with any other procedures?

Yes. Dr. Vargason believes that upper eyelid surgery can be complemented by a brow lift or lower eyelid surgery. She can help you determine if these procedures would be right for you during your consultation.

How long does the upper eyelid surgery take?

Upper eyelid surgery takes roughly one hour to complete. You may be asked to arrive early for your procedure and spend some time recovering before being discharged.

How long will my results last?

After your upper eyelid surgery, your results will be permanent. Due to the natural aging process, you may experience new sagging in the future, but most patients do not require a secondary procedure.

I had upper eyelid surgery years ago but am unhappy with the results. Can Dr. Vargason help me?

Yes. Dr. Vargason performs revision procedures to help patients in this situation achieve better results.

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