Improving Those Tired Eyes

The eyelids can begin to droop due to age, injury, or certain medical conditions. Dr. Caroline Vargason performs droopy eyelid surgery in Boise to reconstruct the upper eyelid area. During this surgery, she can surgically tighten the underlying muscles, eliminate sagging skin, and help you look more awake and rejuvenated.

What Is Ptosis Surgery?

Ptosis is the medical name for sagging or drooping eyelids. If the condition affects both eyes, it is known as bilateral ptosis, and if it only affects one eye, it is called unilateral ptosis. 

Ptosis surgery is used to correct drooping upper eyelids. The surgery is performed by tightening the levator muscle, which is found within the upper eyelid. The eyelid is lifted back to its desired position by tightening this muscle. 

Benefits of Ptosis Surgery

Ptosis surgery can help address eyelids that are drooping below their normal position. This surgery can help address aesthetic concerns. Some of the benefits of this procedure include:

  • Improved vision 
  • More awake appearance 
  • More youthful appearance
  • Long-lasting results 

Who Is a Candidate for Ptosis Surgery?

If you are experiencing drooping in one or both upper eyelids, you may be a candidate for ptosis repair. You should be in good overall health before surgery. To determine if you are a candidate, you will need a consultation with Dr. Vargason. During this time, she will evaluate your eyelids and decide if you are a candidate for the surgery. 

Why Choose Dr. Vargason?

Dr. Caroline Vargason is an expert oculofacial plastic surgeon based in Idaho. What makes oculofacial plastic surgeons different from plastic surgeons is that they have a deeper understanding of the eye area and have received further specialized training on how to treat the eyes. This allows her to work with patients of any age and background to improve their eye appearance.

She is board certified in ophthalmology by the American Board of Ophthalmology and is one of only 650 ASOPRS Oculofacial Plastic Surgeons in the United States. Dr. Vargason specializes in ptosis surgery and has performed over 5000 eyelid surgeries. She founded Nava Face & Eye to bring patient-centered care to her community and built the practice on the foundation of excellence, cooperation, growth, integrity, inclusion, and sustainability. If you are interested in a consultation with Dr. Vargason, contact Nava Face & Eye today.

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Your Ptosis Surgery 

When you arrive for your ptosis surgery appointment, you will have your medical history reviewed and your vitals checked. Once this is complete, you will meet with the anesthesia team. Ptosis surgery is performed using intravenous sedation and local anesthesia to ensure you remain comfortable and relaxed during the procedure. There are two common ways the surgery can be performed, and the best approach will be determined at your consultation.

For Those With Mild to Moderate Drooping

The first step of the surgery if you are experiencing moderate drooping is a small incision made in the eyelid's crease or underneath the eyelid. The technique used will be determined at your consultation. This helps maintain a natural look and conceal any scarring. The levator muscle and tendon are then tightened with sutures to correct the drooping lid. Once this is complete, the incision is closed.

For Those With Severe Drooping

If you are experiencing severe upper eyelid drooping, your surgery may be performed using the frontalis suspension technique. This procedure is not often performed, as severe drooping is rare. The incision will still be made along the crease of the eyelid but will include the use of a suture attached to the forehead muscle. This will help more severely drooping eyelids remain in an elevated position.

Your Recovery + Results

Ptosis surgery is an outpatient procedure that will allow you to recover at home following your surgery. For the first few days following surgery, you should avoid driving and strenuous activities before returning to normal activities. You will be provided with lubricating eye ointment to help keep the eyes from becoming dry. 

There may be some bruising, swelling, or discomfort that can last for one to two weeks. You will be able to see your complete results after the eyelid has had time to settle, which can take several months. 

Droopy Eyelid Surgery FAQs

Why choose an oculofacial plastic surgeon?

Is there an age limit for droopy eyelid surgery?

Why choose an oculofacial plastic surgeon?

Oculofacial plastic surgeons have additional experience and training in treating the delicate areas around the eyes that other surgeons do not.

Is there an age limit for droopy eyelid surgery?

No. Patients may be born with ptosis or experience it due to an injury, it can be performed on patients of any age from children to older adults.

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